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24 karaat & + concert: Màrquez Ensemble • Ethno-Jazz
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concert: Màrquez Ensemble
- 1 “La llegada” (Their are coming)
- 2 “Hoyos Negros” (Black Holes in the space black holes in the mind)
- 3 “Afro Blue”
- 4 “Llanto en la Sierra” (Crying in the Mountain)
- 5 “Hermanos” (Brothers)
- 6 “Lamento” Howling
- 7 “Netotilo Epcoatl” (Dance of the death mothers)
- 8 “Aladino”
- 9 “Que pasta con el condor?”
- Luiz Márquez: composicions, ethnic instruments, sax and harp
- Renato Márquez: violin &guitar
- Eric Neels: guitar
- J.L. Montiel: bass guitar & vocals
- Cachi Acosta: percussion
Luiz Márquez launched the music
movement know as MEZCAL, a sound
of Ethno-Jazz in which ancient pre-
Columbian instruments enters into
a dialogue with the modern world.
Talking the power of nature as his
starting point, he uses a wide range
of wind instruments, from
sea-nails shells to saxophones.
Benjamin Tollet – Brussel News Jan-‘11
Beeldenstorm vzw
Bergensesteenweg 145
Chaussée de Mons
1070 Anderlecht
vrijwillige bijdrage/contribution volontaire
Kuregemenaars, senioren, werklozen en steuntrekkers: gratis/
personnes âgées, au chômage et bénéficiaires: gratuit